Constitution and By-Laws

History of Constitution and By-Laws

  • Adopted 1975
  • Amended 1983
  • Amended 1988
  • Extended Suspension 1998
  • Amended 2000
  • Amended 2017


We, as faculty and staff of the University of Kansas, do affirm our unanimous belief in a commitment to the future of the University of Kansas and the Lawrence Community. We further believe in the advancement of Black faculty, staff and students, and our full participation in the pursuit of the mission of the university. Therefore, to manifest our commitment to the well being of the university and the Lawrence community, we hereby establish the Black Faculty and Staff Council. This Council shall hereafter be governed by the following constitution and bylaws and subsequent amendments thereto.

Articles I - III

Article I


The name of the organization shall be the University of Kansas Black Faculty and Staff Council. (Hereinafter referred to as the Council or as the BFSC.)

Article II


The objectives of the organization are:

  1. To provide a forum for addressing important issues which affect individuals who identify as Black at the University of Kansas.
  2. To provide a resource for the support, development, and retention of Black faculty and staff members at the university.
  3. To provide a resource for the development, support, and retention of Black students at KU.
  4. To advise the university leaders and the university community regarding the needs and concerns of individuals who identify as Black at KU.
  5. To promote diversity, employment and academic pursuits within the university and the community.
  6. To establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with various university units, the alumni, community groups and Black faculty and staff at other regents institutions.
  7. To promote positive race relations based on understanding and respect for human dignity.
  8. To monitor and encourage the inclusion of cultural diversity as an integral part of the mission of the University of Kansas.

Article III

Membership and Dues

  1. Membership shall be open to all faculty, staff, and graduate teaching and research assistants who are interested in and supportive of the objectives stated above. Any member may continue to be a member regardless of change of status within the university.
  2. Memberships are for one year, July 1-June 30.
  3. Donations shall be accepted at any time for activities, events, and the miscellaneous needs of the Council as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.

Article IV


A. The Council shall elect from its members a person to serve as President of the organization. Initially, and each year thereafter when applicable, the Council shall elect persons to serve as President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of the President

B. Nomination of Officers

  1. Each year the Membership and Nomination Committee shall put together a slate with at least one candidate for each open officer position and present it at the April general meeting.
  2. Additional nominations for each officer position may be made from the floor at the April general meeting, provided such nominees have consented to serve if nominated and elected.

C. Election of Officers

  1. The election of officers shall be by electronic ballot following the April general meeting.
  2. At least two weeks’ notice shall be given prior to the election of officers.
  3. Elections shall be by ballot and the person receiving the highest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected.

D. Term of Office - Officers shall serve for one year beginning July 1, or until their successors are elected. The President may not serve for more than two consecutive terms.

E. Duties of Officers:

  1. The President shall:
    1. Preside at all meetings of the Council and the executive committee.
    2. Prepare the agenda for the Executive Committee and general meetings with the assistance of the Executive Committee.
    3. In conjunction with the Membership and Nominations Committee, appoints chairpersons for the standing committees.
    4. Act as the formally designated public spokesperson for the BFSC.
    5. Serves on, or appoints a BFSC representative to, any University groups, committees, taskforces, etc. as appropriate.
    6. Prepare and present the annual report of the Council in May.
  2. The President-Elect shall:
    1. Perform the duties of the President in any absence or disability of the President.
    2. Serve on the Membership and Nomination Committee.
    3. Serve as chair of the Social Media and Website Committee.
  3. The Vice President shall:
    1. Perform the duties of the President-Elect in any absence or disability of the President-Elect.
    2. Serve as parliamentarian of the Council.
    3. Serve on the Membership and Nomination Committee.
  4. The Treasurer shall:
    1. Collect donations and assessments, pay all bills, and keep all accounts for the Council
    2. Monitor the fiscal status of the Council and prepare and present budget reports upon the request of the Executive Committee.
  5. The Secretary shall:
    1. Record and distribute the minutes of all meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee prior to the next meeting.
    2. Assist with the preparation and distribution of BFSC correspondence as requested.
    3. Serve as Historian of the Council.

Article V

Governance of Council

  1. As delegated by the Council, the responsibility for the administration, management and operation of the business affairs of the Council shall be vested in the executive committee.
  2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers and the appointed chairpersons of the standing committees. The immediate past president shall be an ex-officio member of this committee for one additional year.
    1. The Executive Committee shall meet each month of the year to conduct the Council's general business and shall prepare the agenda for the Council's general meetings each academic semester.
    2. The Executive Committee shall review all requests for funding/support received by the Council on a case-by-case basis
  3. Standing Committees - Each committee shall be comprised of council members, including graduate students. Committee chairmanships shall be limited to faculty and staff members. Each committee shall plan and develop programs and activities as they pertain to their areas of concern. Each committee is responsible for the conducting of the programs and should report at the regular meetings of the Executive Committee and at each general meeting.
    1. Membership and Nomination Committee - The chair shall be appointed by the President. The President shall also serve on this committee to assist in recruiting new members and nominate a slate of officers for each election. The chair will also maintain an updated roster of the BFSC membership.
    2. Faculty Affairs Committee - The chair shall be appointed by the President. The Committee will initiate and assist university efforts towards the hire, retention, tenure and promotion of faculty. The committee shall also identify, publicize and coordinate the research activities of BFSC members and other Black researchers in the community.
    3. Staff Affairs Committee - The chair shall be appointed by the President. The committee shall initiate and assist university efforts in hiring, retaining and promoting university staff.
    4. Student Engagement Committee - The chair shall be appointed by the president. The committee shall develop programs and provide leadership for the enhancement of social, academic and professional opportunities for Black students. The chair shall serve as the BFSC liaison with Black student groups and organizations.
    5. Alumni Affairs Committee - The chair shall be appointed by the President. The committee shall function as the BFSC liaison with alumni and alumni organizations.
    6. Social and Cultural Events Committee - The chair shall be appointed by the President. The committee shall coordinate cultural and social events of the Council.
    7. Social Media and Website Committee – The chair shall be appointed by the President. The President-Elect shall serve on this committee. The committee shall be responsible for updating the website and posting information on BFSC social media accounts.
  4. Special committees shall be appointed as needed by the President to serve for a specific purpose for such a time as determined by the Council.

Articles VI - VII

Article VI

Meetings, Quorum and Voting

  1. Notice of Meetings - The corresponding secretary shall give written notice to all members at least 10 business days prior to such meetings.
  2. General membership meetings shall be held once per academic semester.
  3. Special or emergency meetings may be called by the Executive Committee when deemed necessary to expedite the purpose and work of the Council or to respond to an unexpected occurrence or circumstance.
  4. Quorum. - A quorum for conducting the business of the Executive Committee shall consist of 50% of the Committee members. In the event 50% of the Committee are not present, the President shall have the power to designate the members present as a quorum.
  5. Voting - Voting upon matters coming before the Council and the Executive Committee shall be determined by a majority vote of a quorum or of the members present as designated by the President.

Article VII

Amendments and Revisions

The Constitution and By-laws may be amended at general meetings of the Council by a majority vote of the members present provided two weeks written notice of the proposed amendment has been given to the members.

  1. Members can propose changes to the Executive Committee in writing
  2. The Executive Committee will review all requests, and if approved, will pass the request on to an ad hoc Constitution and By-Laws Committee.

Articles VIII - X

Article VIII

Vacancies and Resignations

  1. In the event an officer or standing committee chair must resign during the operating year, he/she shall notify the president or executive committee in writing. All of such resignations shall be accepted at the next regular meeting of the executive committee.
  2. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the president, the president-elect may assume the office for the remainder of the term. If the president-elect declines to assume the office, the vice president-elect may assume the office for the remainder of the term. If the vice president declines to assume the office, the nominating committee shall appoint a person to the presidency, subject to approval of the executive committee. This appointment shall be only until the next official election.
  3. The president shall fill by appointment vacancies in any other office. The appointments are subject to the approval of the executive committee. The term of office under these circumstances shall be until the next official election.
  4. Any appointee to an unexpired term of office shall be eligible to be nominated to hold one full successive term of office.

Article IX

Parliamentary Authority

  1. In the transaction of all business matters before the Council, Executive Committee and Standing Committees, the parliamentary authority shall be the most current, revised edition of Roberts' Rules of Order.
  2. Use of Roberts' Rules of Order may be suspended by a majority vote of the members present at a given meeting of either the Council or Executive Committee.

Article X

Conflict of Interest/ IRS Limitations

  1. No part of the net earnings of the Council shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, officers, or other private persons. The Council shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of an officer's responsibility. No substantial part of the activities of the Council shall be in the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise influencing legislation. The Council shall not participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
  2. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Council shall not carry on any other activities not permitted by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501C(3) of the IRS Code or any future provisions of a corresponding U.S. law. The Council shall not carry on any activity not permitted by a corporation whose contributions are deductible under section 170C(2) of the IRS Code or the corresponding provisions of any future U.S. Revenue Statute.